Thursday, March 1, 2007

My First Week at Cable Bay

I’ve been working at Cable Bay Vineyards for almost a full work-week. I started this previous Monday afternoon, on the 26th of February. So far, everything has been going extremely well. Cable Bay is on the scenic and very laid-back island of Waiheke. It is a 35 minute ferry ride from the “CBD” (Central Business District) of Auckland. I have not had the chance to explore around yet, but as soon as I get settled into a place, I am sure that is how I will focus my energies in my off-work hours. Waiheke is a rather concentrated wine-growing region of New Zealand, and nicknamed itself “Waiheke Island of Wine.” I just missed the annual wine festival and there are 26 other vineyards on the Isle. Cabernet and Merlot blends are what this region is known for in the wines.

This week, I started by consolidating all of the miscellaneous scraps of paper and logs of bookings. I then created a system of putting them all in one place and worked on an intake form to track all of the information. I know it sounds like loads of fun, doesn’t it? Next week, I’m going to learn how to do all the stock inventory. I’m also developing a packet of info about our vineyard with open hours, pricing, the various sculptures and artwork on display, menus, directions, etc. that I’ll deliver to various nodes of info. I’m also going to work on inviting all types of people out to introduce them to Cable Bay and offer them a tour and a glass of wine. I got a rough list of places that I need to make contact with: all of the 4 and 5 star hotels in downtown Auckland, the resorts and nicer accommodations on the island, the tourism/info people, and so on. In addition to that, I need to figure out the arrangements with the helicopter company. We have an area that has been designated a “land pad” for the helicopters coming from Auckland City. (I’m sure that’s the most exclusive way to get over to the island and I think it only takes about 6-7 minutes vs. 35 minutes on the ferry.) Needless to say, I have my work cut out for me in the coming time.

I have had several questions about Cable Bay wine and where you can get it in the states. Our sales representative has been traveling and hasn’t given me all the full details yet. Currently, Cable Bay is distributed in California, NYC, Illinois, and Florida. He is going over to the US in April and meeting with distributors in Boston and Georgia. I don’t yet know how much it retails for in the US. Our wine tasting room sells the bottles from $19.90NZ - $33.00NZ. In the restaurant it sells from $42 - $55NZ. (exchange rate is roughly $1NZ = $1.40US). SO, for all of you wishing to sample one of Cable Bay’s wines (we currently have seven on the market), let me know and I will talk to our sales rep about getting them to you.

Perks: So far this is a very laid back and enjoyable work environment. I have done one tasting of all the wines. I haven’t found out yet about if I get a discount on wine or whatnot. I do get lunch everyday at 11:30 and it’s delicious. Today we had a nice potato cake, chips made with something other than plain potatoes, beans, and fresh salmon. Too bad I don’t eat salmon. They also always have bread and some of the Cable Bay olive oil to go with lunch. However, missing lunch is not too bad either. On Wednesday I missed lunch (you have to get it before 12 when the restaurant opens for lunch) and so when I went in Will (our chef) had one of his guys make me up a plate. I got a nice plate of greens with yummy veggies and bits of salmon with a large slice of potato cake on the side… with bread and olive oil, of course. Delicious! I can also have any of the fancy fresh coffees we have (the machine is so pretty and does everything from “regular” coffee to cappuccinos and such), yummy hot chocolate, or mineral water (both still and sparkling available!).

I think those are the highlights of my first work week. I'm lame and having to re-adjust to working a day job -- something I haven't done since November. I am avidly searching for a "flatmate" or place to rent. A few pictures are connected to the next post on Mosquitoes.

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